There is an interesting phenominon that I recall from my days doing library research for school papers. I don't know if it is, in fact a rule, but I very distinclty remember being taught that if you could find something in "common print" (not scholarly journals) 3 times, then it is considered common knowledge and you need not cite a source. I mean, if I were in Jr. High writing a paper on the life of Shakespeare, would I have to footnote the source I used for his birthday? No. Anyone could find that information anywhere.
If, in today's internet age this is still the case, I am on the lookout for the third source in the following series:Americans Largely Silent as Their Nation is Systematically Destroyed
American capitalism gone with a whimper - May 2009, PravdaThe variety of sources is important I think: The conservative Canadian Free Press and the self-described leftist-leaning Pravda. Now, both are editorials - but interesting similarity of message half a world apart.
I recommend reading both - but in case you don't have the time, the universal theme is that Americans are being lulled into mindless complacency buy a never-ending series of government entitlements and handouts. Apparently, both sides of the globe can now see Americans not just as ignorant and rude, but also stupid and lazy. We will buy whatever the government is selling as long as they promise us that we will start getting stuff for free one day.What do you think?
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